Dear Parent/s:
I have been in scouting, in Troop 4019, since I was 11years old. I am a local farmer, husband and father of two boys. I have help organize and have participated in many local and national scouting events gaining first hand knowledge of scouting and helping to provide quality programs.
The troop handbook, available on our website, includes our rules, procedures and guidelines.
The troop resource survey is for an adult to complete. This helps me get to know you a little better and what knowledge and hobbies you have so that I might be able to improve the troop. Completing this form does not mean you will have you teach. I may ask for your assistance to share some knowledge with me regarding subject I am unfamiliar with.
The insignia guide also available on our website is a guide to patch and award placement on the Tan class A uniform shirt. It is nice to see everyone in full uniform. However uniforms are expensive. Aim to have the tan shirt. The rest is just nice extra and not
The adult application: Please volunteer to be on the committee or a merit badge counselor. If you are comfortable with something more involved please sign up.
The youth application and physical forms A and B (available on the website) need to be completed and turned into me.
The troop has most of the gear a boy needs to go camping. Some things are needed though. Each boy needs a mess kit; spoon, knife, fork, plate, cup, bowl plastic or metal, no disposable. A sleeping bag is required. We do have some heavy ones that can be
borrowed for winter camping. Good walking shoes/boots, scouts are outside a lot along with a canteen or water bottle.
Please provide the troop with your e-mail address. I send a lot of info by e-mail, I tell the boys what is going on at the meetings. Experience knows it doesn’t make it home.
John Johnson
Scout Master Troop 4019
I have been in scouting, in Troop 4019, since I was 11years old. I am a local farmer, husband and father of two boys. I have help organize and have participated in many local and national scouting events gaining first hand knowledge of scouting and helping to provide quality programs.
The troop handbook, available on our website, includes our rules, procedures and guidelines.
The troop resource survey is for an adult to complete. This helps me get to know you a little better and what knowledge and hobbies you have so that I might be able to improve the troop. Completing this form does not mean you will have you teach. I may ask for your assistance to share some knowledge with me regarding subject I am unfamiliar with.
The insignia guide also available on our website is a guide to patch and award placement on the Tan class A uniform shirt. It is nice to see everyone in full uniform. However uniforms are expensive. Aim to have the tan shirt. The rest is just nice extra and not
The adult application: Please volunteer to be on the committee or a merit badge counselor. If you are comfortable with something more involved please sign up.
The youth application and physical forms A and B (available on the website) need to be completed and turned into me.
The troop has most of the gear a boy needs to go camping. Some things are needed though. Each boy needs a mess kit; spoon, knife, fork, plate, cup, bowl plastic or metal, no disposable. A sleeping bag is required. We do have some heavy ones that can be
borrowed for winter camping. Good walking shoes/boots, scouts are outside a lot along with a canteen or water bottle.
Please provide the troop with your e-mail address. I send a lot of info by e-mail, I tell the boys what is going on at the meetings. Experience knows it doesn’t make it home.
John Johnson
Scout Master Troop 4019